Hi there, my name is Sydney Domanski! I’m just a girl who started a blog to talk about a lot of different things that I am interested in and doing in my own life, in hopes that it will help someone else in a similar stage of life relate to! I talk about design, books & trends I’m loving, life, exercise and health. Basically anything that I find interesting! 

I currently live in Tucson, AZ with my husband Paul Michael and our golden retriever, Ellie! We are a fun family of three and I truly love the life that we have created! We travel together often and try to explore the world as much as we can.

I got my degree in Interior Design and have had a wonderful career in the design world! Aside from that, I love to read, travel and explore new places as well as the town I am living in! I have a deep love for running and have run two half marathons. Hopefully I can add to that in the future!

I am a Christ follower and truly believe that this is an opportunity to share His love and how I have navigated my faith through both the good and bad moments in my life. If you are someone who is a follower of Jesus, welcome! If you are someone who struggles with their faith or just doesn’t understand the Christian faith, welcome! I hope that you can understand my point of view and hopefully we can be friends no matter who you are or what you believe.

 Welcome to my real life where I talk about literally anything and everything! I strive to encourage others and hope that this is a place where you can find some for yourself! 


Love, Syd